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Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale
Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale

Amazing Rare 18th Century Lingam Singing & Talking Bowl – Inscribed – Incredibly Vocal


Antique Lingam Singing & Talking Bowl. Notes: C#4 & G5 (Root & Throat Chakras)

Weight 883 grams (1 lb 15 oz).  Size 18 x 9.5 cm (7 x 3¾ inches)

Antique Lingam Singing & Talking Bowl. Notes: C#4 & G5 (Root & Throat Chakras)

Weight 883 grams (1 lb 15 oz).  Size 18 x 9.5 cm (7 x 3¾ inches)


This wonderful antique Lingam bowl has everything one could wish for in a singing bowl, and much more…a superb singing voice, great condition, considerable antiquity (18th/19th C.), an inscription, rarity and collectability, a fabulous centuries-old patina…and to cap it all…an incredible talking voice.  This bowl is a one-off…unique!



The fundamental note is a lovely middle octave C#4 (273Hz) with a noticeable pulse when struck with a padded mallet, and 270Hz when played around the rim with a suede ringer.  The C#4 will readily progress into a wonderful G5 if desired, depending upon the presure and speed applied to the ringer.  The note changes to a fifth octave G5 (771Hz) with a wooden ringer.



When struck with a padded mallet or played around the rim with a little water inside (using a suede ringer) it becomes a talking bowl and produces an amazing variety of other-worldly sounds when rocked back and forth.  Talking bowls are extremely rare and highly prized.  They are used by shaman as a gateway to other dimensions, to induce trance states, and to contact deities and ancestors.



As mentioned above, this antique bowl is structurally sound with a wonderfully aged patina and colour (it would be a mistake to clean it).  The exterior is a dark grey-brown bronze, while the interior has a lovely coppery green colour.  There are also some inclusions* low down on the outer wall, adding extra interest.



The bowl takes the high-sided Thadobati Lingam form with a sheered and grooved lip, and flat bottom.  At is centre there is a pointed Lingam, matched by a deep navel or yoni underneath.  Two decorative bands of tiny cuts encircle the outer rim, below which is an incised inscription.  Inscriptions are extremely uncommon and are a fair indication of the high esteem in which a bowl was held by a former keeper.


This ancient singing and talking Lingam bowl is utterly unique…a rare treasure that is reflected in its high price, but its new guardian will not be disappointed.


A Tibetan silk brocaded bowl cushion, a padded striker, and a double ended teak and suede ringer are all included in the price.


Inclusions are dust or grits in the molten metal mixture of copper and tin, and bear witness to the primitive conditions under which the bowl was forged.  They manifest as tiny raised pimples beneath the surface.



Listen: (3 struck notes and 2 played notes, suede ringer then wood)


