Antique Remuna Singing Bowl – Perfect Concert Pitch F3 (174.5Hz)
Antique Remuna Singing Bowl. Notes F3 & B4 (Heart & Crown Chakras)
Weight 750 grams (1 lb x 10 ½ oz). Size 17.5 x 10 cm (7 x 4 inches)
Antique Remuna Singing Bowl. Notes F3 & B4 (Heart & Crown Chakras)
Weight 750 grams (1 lb x 10 ½ oz). Size 17.5 x 10 cm (7 x 4 inches)
This antique Remuna Singing Bowl has a perfect concert pitch third octave F fundamental (174.5Hz) when struck with a padded mallet or played around the rim with a suede ringer. The rim note changes to a middle B (505Hz) with a wooden ringer. It is very responsive and easy to play.
This bowl has the typical graceful Remuna form, with circles at its centre and decorative incised bands around the outer wall to just above the midpoint., below which the hammer marking contrast with the smooth surface above.
The structural condition of this singing bowl is excellent, and it is clean and virtually free of stains and blemishes.
A Tibetan silk brocade bowl cushion and a double-ended teak and suede ringer are included in the price.
Listen: (3 struck notes and 2 played notes, suede ringer then wood)