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Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale
Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale

Beautiful Golden 10 ½ ” Antique Jambati Singing Bowl – F#2/G2 with OM & Fountains


Antique Jambati Singing Bowl.   Notes: F#2/G2 (Heart & Throat Chakras)

Weight 3 lb 9 ¾ oz. (1.64 kilos).   Size 27 x 12.5 cm (10 ½ x 5 inches)

Antique Jambati Singing Bowl.   Notes: F#2/G2 (Heart & Throat Chakras)

Weight 3 lb 9 ¾ oz. (1.64 kilos).   Size 27 x 12.5 cm (10 ½ x 5 inches)


This is one of the most beautiful antique bowls in my entire collection, with everything one would wish for in a large Singing Bowl.  It has been superbly crafted and has the most wonderful rich yellow-gold bronze colour with lots of presence and surface interest. 



Dating from the 18thcentury its walls have been worn sensually smooth with use over the years, and the circles at its centre are now quite faint. It has a sheered lip, and there are interesting ritual gashes at intervals around the outer rim…something I have never seen on a Jambati bowl.  It has bags of character and is structurally sound despite signs of age including some pitting and copper oxidization inside.



Its physical beauty is matched by versatility and a glorious voice.  The fundamental note falls exactly midway between a low second octave F# and G2 (95-96Hz) when struck with a padded mallet or played around the rim with a suede ringer, and it has a middle C# harmonic (285Hz).   The vibrant energy of this bowl makes it capable of producing the OM sound, and fountains if played with a little water inside.


Simply fabulous!


A padded striker, and a double-ended teak and suede ringer are included in the price.



Listen: (3 struck notes and 2 played notes, suede ringer then wood)