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Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale
Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale

Chakra Set of 6 Antique Naga or Pedestal Singing Bowls


Incomplete Chakra Set of 6 Antique Naga or Pedestal Singing Bowls

Incomplete Chakra Set of 6 Antique Naga or Pedestal Singing Bowls


This rare 4th octave set of 6 medium and large antique Naga or Pedestal singing bowls corresponds to 6 of the 7 chakras.  Their notes are C, D, E, (F is missing) G, A and B (highlighted numbers 1, 3, 5, 8, 10 and 12 below).  I am confident that I will be able to source the missing F4 within a reasonable time frame if required. 


I am offering this as a set of 6 bowls in the above notes, but you will see from the list below that I actually have 9 Naga bowls, including flats and sharps, which together represents three-quarters of a complete chromatic set of 12.  Again, I am confident that I will be able to source the missing 3 bowls within a reasonable time frame, if required.   The price for all 9 bowls is £3,000.  Please let me know via the contact page if you would like to purchase the set of 9.


The 9 bowls listed below are mainly medium size with diameters ranging from 4¾ to 7 inches, and weigh between 415 grams and 1.04 kilos (about 0.91 to 2.29 pounds).  Six of these bowls benefit from inscriptions, with four of them also depicting animals or flowers.  All the bowls are in good condition and sing easily and sweetly.


This chakra/chromatic set is tuned to the rim note using a suede ringer (best for medium and large Naga bowls).


01). Note C4 Weight 804g Diameter 6¼ inches, illustrated inscription
02). Note C#4 Weight 1 Kilo Diameter 7 inches
03). Note D4 Weight 806g Diameter 5½ inches, illustrated inscription
04). Note Eb4 (not yet available)
05). Note E4 Weight 1.04 Kilos Diameter 6¾ inches
06). Note F4 (not yet available)
07). Note F#4 Weight 650g Diameter 5¼ inches, illustrated inscription
08). Note G4 Weight 721g Diameter 5½ inches, illustrated inscription
09). Note G#4 Weight 605g Diameter 5¼ inches
10). Note A4 Weight 604g Diameter 5½ inches, inscription
11). Note Bb4 (not yet available)
12). Note B4 Weight 415g Diameter 4¾ inches, inscription


Note:  Please remember that this sale is for the highlighted 6 chakras bowls and not all 9 bowls.

