Exceptional Large 9 ¾ inch F3 Antique Lingam Singing Bowl – Inscribed
Antique Lingam Singing Bowl. Notes: F3 & C#5 (Heart & Root Chakras)
Weight: 1.56 kilos (3 lb 6 oz). Size: 11 x 5.5 cm (9 ¾ x 4 inches)
This is a very rare large and exceptional quality 18th century Lingam Singing Bowl. It has a particularly lovely low curved wall with an inward facing triangulated lip and rounded bottom. At its center there is an unusually large lingam surrounded and defined by 2 sets of circles, with a deep matching navel or yoni underneath. A pair of decorative lines form a collar around the outer rim.
It benefits from a boldly engraved inscription, probably in an ancient form of Farsi, the meaning of which is unknown. Inscriptions are an indication of the high esteem in which a bowl was held by a former keeper. They always add interest and value to a bowl.
The beautiful fundamental note is a perfect pitch third octave F3 (176Hz) when struck with a padded mallet or played around the rim with a suede ringer. The rim note changes to a fifth octave C#5 with a wooden ringer.
The size and quality of this rare antique lingam bowl suggests that it was crafted to serve a special ritual or ceremonial purpose. It is in superb condition and has a lovely aged patina.
This lovely bowl has been on display in my own sitting room. Its struck F3 note has a long sustain and it ranks among the very best sounding bowls in my entire collection.
A Tibetan silk brocade bowl cushion, a padded striker, and a double-ended teak and suede ringer are all included in the price.
Antique Lingam Singing Bowls are sacred musical vessels and the rarest and most sought-after of all Himalayan bowls. They typically have diameters of between 5 and 7 inches (23 to 28 cm). Only very occasionally will one of 9 or 10 inches come to light.