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Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale
Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale

Exquisite Antique Thadobati Singing Bowl – Wonderfully Pure A3


Antique Tibetan Thadobati Singing Bowl.   A3 & E5 (Third Eye & Solar Plexus Chakras)
Weight 2 lb 3 ½ oz. (1.01 kilos).   21 x 9 cm (approx. 8 ¼ x 3 ½ inches)


This is a large antique Tibetan Thadobati Singing Bowl (18th – 19th century) that would grace any collection.  It has been exceptionally well forged and has a really beautiful and pure A3 voice that borders on perfect concert pitch when struck.


The fundamental note is a wonderful third octave ‘A’ whether struck with a padded mallet or drumstick, or played around the rim with a suede ringer.  The rim note changes to a fifth octave E if a wooden ringer is used.  However, it is the beautiful stuck note that sets this antique singing bowl apart from countless others.


With a diameter of 8 ¼ inches this is a large Thadobati bowl.  However, it has been so expertly forged that it weighs rather less than one might expect for a bowl of this size, a little over 1 kilo, making it comfortable to hold and play for an extended period without tiring.  It has a particularly attractive shape with walls that gracefully curve in towards the rim.  It has a decorative grooved lip, and just below the outer rim there are two bands of fine punched dots of a kind associated with older bowls of this type.  There are two sets of decorative concentric circles in the centre of the basin, and a pair of finely incised parallel lines encircling the middle of the belly on the outer wall.


This antique bowl is structurally sound and in excellent condition: clean and free of stains and blemishes.  It has a lovely golden bronze colour.


This old bowl with its wonderful A3 fundamental is likely to appeal particularly to musicians.  But it would also make an excellent stand-alone bowl for the non-collector, and an absolutely fabulous gift for someone special!


If you or your partner are new to singing bowls and you would like just one special example, this could be it!


A Tibetan silk brocade bowl cushion, a padded striker, and a teak and suede ringer are all included in the price.



Listen: (2 struck notes and 2 played notes, suede then wood ringers – recorded in haste)