Fantastic Jambati Singing Bowl – Stunning Looks & Sound
Antique Jambati Singing and Fountain Bowl. B Note (Crown Chakra)
Weight 5 lb 0¾ z (2.29 kilos). 30 x 14 ½ cm (approx. 11 ¾ x 5 ¾ inches)
An outstanding 18th – 19th Century antique Jambati singing bowl by any standards! It has large generous proportions and a beautiful high-sided body with lots of surface interest. This bowl is superbly crafted. It has a good even lip, a clean interior, and is in excellent condition for its considerable age. There is a small inscription on the outer wall.
This is a handsome bowl with a fantastic singing voice to match…a low and pulsating second octave B flat with a long sustain. When played around the rim with a little water inside, this bowl is extremely quick to produced fountains.
Altogether one of the best singing bowls in our collection.
Listen: (2 struck notes and 1 played note)