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Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale
Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale

Glorious Massive 15 ¼” Antique Jambati Temple Bowl – Perfect Pitch Eb4 & G2


Antique Jambati Bowl.  Eb4 (311Hz) & G2 (97Hz) Solar Plexus & Throat Chakras

Weight 6.23 kilos (13 lb 11 ½ oz).   Size 39 x 20 cm (approx. 15 ¼ x 8 inches)

Antique Jambati Bowl.  Eb4 (311Hz) & G2 (97Hz) Solar Plexus & Throat Chakras

Weight 6.23 kilos (13 lb 11 ½ oz).   Size 39 x 20 cm (approx. 15 ¼ x 8 inches)


This is without doubt one of the largest and finest bowls I have come across in 30 years of collecting.  It is almost certainly the best antique Jambati bowl I have been privileged to acquire.  It’s majestic size and graceful form is matched by two glorious perfect pitch voices…a middle octave Eb4 (311Hz) and a G2 (97Hz) harmonic.  The sound of this bowl is unparalleled!


This wonderful bowl is in excellent museum quality condition inside and out.  It has a tiny circle at its centre surrounded by two larger (now faint) circles.  A pair of larger circles define the outer edge of the floor.  The centre of this bowl is slightly raised or mounded; an unusual feature. 


Externally there are several incised lines that form a decorative collar below the rim.  The collar is satin smooth, while the area below is finely and beautifully hammered.  It has a lovely golden bronze colour.


I have no hesitation in describing this wonderful instrument as an important ceremonial object of the highest order and quite possibly a TEMPLE BOWL.


A large Tibetan silk brocade bowl cushion, a heavy padded mallet and a large striker are all included in the price.



Listen: (1 struck note and 1 played note)

