Golden 9” Antique Ultabati Singing Bowl– Perfect Pitch B2
Ultabati Singing Bowl. Note: B2 (Crown Chakra)
Weight 974 grams (2 lb 2 ½ oz ) Size 23 x 10.5 cm (9 x 4 ¼ inches)
Ultabati Singing Bowl. Note: B2 (Crown Chakra)
Weight 974 grams (2 lb 2 ½ oz ) Size 23 x 10.5 cm (9 x 4 ¼ inches)
This 9” golden antique Ultabati Singing Bowl has an excellent low perfect pitch second octave B fundamental (123Hz) with a long pulsating sustain when struck or played around the rim with a suede ringer. The rim note changes to a middle F4 (344Hz) with a wooden ringer. Its vibrant energy is capable of producing fountains.
It has the distinctive Ultabati caldron-like form with its scooped collar and out-turned downward-sloping lip. There are decorative circles encircling the scooped collar.
It is structurally sound and clean, with some small patches of copper oxidization inside. This is an attractive bowl, with the darker hammer marks around the rim contrasting nicely with the smooth golden bronze below. Antique Ultabati singing bowls are now quite rare, especially attractive specimens such as this.
A Tibetan silk brocade bowl cushion, a padded striker and a ringer are all included in the price.
Listen: (2 struck notes and 2 played notes, suede ringer then wood)