Heavy 12” Top Quality Antique Jambati Singing Bowl – Concert Pitch F4 & Massive Sustain
Antique Jambati Singing Bowl. Note: F3 & E5 (Heart & Solar Plexus Chakras)
Weight 6 lb 4 ¼ oz. (2.85 kilos). Size 30.5 x 12.5 cm (12 x 5 inches)
Antique Jambati Singing Bowl. Note: F3 & E5 (Heart & Solar Plexus Chakras)
Weight 6 lb 4 ¼ oz. (2.85 kilos). Size 30.5 x 12.5 cm (12 x 5 inches)
This huge top quality Antique Jambati Singing Bowl is a real heavyweight at a little under 3 kilos, and its thick walls would have proved a challenge to forge evenly. The curved wall, flat bottom, and relatively low profile make it appear even larger than it is. It has a grooved lip, faint circles at the centre, and decorative bands forming a collar around the outer rim.
The fundamental note is pulsating perfect pitch middle F (350Hz) with a massive sustain when struck with a padded mallet or played around the rim. There is also a Bb2 harmonic present. The rim note changes to a powerful and penetrating fifth octave E (678Hz) with a wooden ringer. This bowl is best played with it resting on a cushion or mat, because its weight makes it difficult to hold for more than a little while.
This substantial and handsome 19thcentury bowl has a real presence and would grace any collection. It is in excellent structural condition, clean and free of stains and blemishes.
A Tibetan silk brocade bowl cushion, a padded striker, and a double-ended teak and suede ringer are included in the price.
Listen: (2 struck notes and 2 played notes, suede ringer then wood).