Large 10” Antique Ultabati Singing Bowl– Perfect Pitch Eb3
Ultabati Singing Bowl. Note: Eb3 (Solar Plexus Chakra)
Weight 1.6 kilos (3 lb 8 ¼ oz ) Size 25 x 12.5 cm (10 x 5 inches)
Ultabati Singing Bowl. Note: Eb3 (Solar Plexus Chakra)
Weight 1.6 kilos (3 lb 8 ¼ oz ) Size 25 x 12.5 cm (10 x 5 inches)
This large antique Ultabati Singing Bowl has an excellent perfect pitch third octave Eb fundamental (156Hz) with a long pulsating sustain when struck or played around the rim, and its vibrant energy is capable of producing fountains.
It has the distinctive Ultabati caldron-like form with its scooped collar and out-turned downward-sloping lip. There are decorative circles at its centre and encircling the scooped collar.
It is structurally sound, with a black matt exterior contrasting nicely with its shiny polished golden interior. Antique Ultabati singing bowls are now quite rare, especially large examples such as this.
A Tibetan silk brocade bowl cushion, a padded striker and a ringer are all included in the price.
Listen: (4 struck notes and 1 played note)