Large 11 ½” Antique Jambati Singing Bowl – Superb F2 & B3
Antique Jambati Singing Bowl. F2 & B3 (Heart & Crown Chakras)
Weight 2.04 kilos (4lb 8 oz). Size 29 x 12 cm (approx. 11 ½ x 4 ¾ inches)
Antique Jambati Singing Bowl. F2 & B3 (Heart & Crown Chakras)
Weight 2.04 kilos (4lb 8 oz). Size 29 x 12 cm (approx. 11 ½ x 4 ¾ inches)
This large antique Jambati Singing Bowl has a fabulous pulsating low second octave F2 fundamental (86Hz) with a long sustain when struck with a padded mallet, while the rim note is a glorious third octave B (254Hz) with a suede ringer.
This old bowl has been expertly forged and features an unusually large width to height ratio, making its diameter appear even greater than it is. Its walls are very finely forged, and it has well defined decorative bands around the rim and circles at its centre.
This handsome antique bowl has a lovely deep golden bronze colour and is free of stains but, like many old bowls, there is some slight surface pitting inside The structural condition is excellent, but there is a suggestion of an old repair below the rim, and I have reduced the price accordingly.
A Tibetan silk brocade bowl cushion, a padded striker and a ringer are all included in the price.
Listen: (2 struck notes and 1 played note)