Large 18th Century 12¼” Jambati Temple Singing Bowl – 2 Perfect Pitch Voices!
Antique Jambati Singing Bowl. Notes A2 & E5 (Third Eye & Solar Plexus Chakra)
Weight 2.92 kilos (6 lb 7 oz). Size 31.5 x 14.5 cm (12¼ x 7¾ inches)
Antique Jambati Singing Bowl. Notes A2 & E5 (Third Eye & Solar Plexus Chakra)
Weight 2.92 kilos (6 lb 7 oz). Size 31.5 x 14.5 cm (12¼ x 7¾ inches)
This is a large and really pretty antique Jambati Singing bowl dating from the 18th Century, possibly earlier, with two perfect pitch voice..a low A2 and a high E4.
The fundamental is a low second octave perfect pitch A2 (111Hz) when struck with a padded mallet or played around the rim with a suede ringer. The rim note changes to a perfect pitch fifth octave E5 (660Hz) with a wooden ringer. It plays beautifully when handheld but is best placed on a cushion for playing because of its weight.
It has an unusually large diameter of 12¼ inches and weighs almost 3 kilos, making it rather heavy for its size. Antique Jambati bowls approaching anything like this size are extremely rare and sought after for their beautiful low resonant powerful voices and long sustains. It is likely that this superior quality bowl was commissioned by or for a monastery or temple, where it would have served some important ceremonial purpose.
This large Jambati bowl has been superbly crafted. It has a very pretty slightly globular form with a rounded bottom. The deeply incised decorative bands around the rim are a real feature and its finely hammered golden walls reflect the light. There are circles at its centre.
There are some ancient magical or ritual marks at intervals beneath the decorative band encircling the rim, and there is a tiny inscription on the outer wall that appears to have been added at a later date.
This bowl is in remarkably good condition; structurally sound, clean and stain-free, with a lovely bright golden bronze colour.
A Tibetan silk brocade bowl cushion, padded striker, and ringer are all included in the price.
Listen: ( 3 struck notes, 2 played notes with suede ringer (cushion then handheld) and1 played with wooden ringer)
NOTE: Apologies for the background noise. It was quite difficult to record the lower A2 because its higher A3 harmonic was given priority and picked up more readily by the microphone, but in reality it is the pure A2 that dominates and which one hears.