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Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale
Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale

Large Extraordinary Antique Singing Bowl – F3 & A4 – Ritual Gashes & Inscription


Antique Singing Bowl.   Notes: F3 & A4 (Heart & Third Eye Chakras)

Weight 2 lb 15 ½ oz. (1.35 kilos).   Size 21 x 10.5 cm (8 ¼ x 4 inches)

Antique Singing Bowl.   Notes: F3 & A4 (Heart & Third Eye Chakras)

Weight 2 lb 15 ½ oz. (1.35 kilos).   Size 21 x 10.5 cm (8 ¼ x 4 inches)


This large antique singing bowl has an extraordinary and rare form, and an unusual voice to match. The fundamental struck note is an interesting and beautiful third octave F (172Hz) with a pronounced pulse and quite a long sustain. The played note is the same with a suede ringer, but changes to an uncommon middle A (450Hz) with a wooden one.



This old bowl has been well crafted, with fine wall, a sheered lip and slightly flared rim, and a fairly rounded bottom. There are decorative circles at its center, and a small but well-defined engraved inscription on the outer wall. The bands of ritual gashes encircling the bowl below the outer rim add enormously to its character, and leave one in no doubt that this was a highly esteemed singing bowl with a distinctive or special purpose.


It is in exceptional condition and has a glorious deep golden antique bronze colour with the patina of antiquity.


A very special and collectable singing bowl indeed!


A Tibetan silk brocade cushion, a padded striker, and a ringer are all included in the price.



Listen: (2 struck notes and 2 played notes, suede then wood ringer)

