Lovely Small 18th Century Lingam Singing Bowl
Antique Lingam Singing Bowl. Notes: Bb3 & F5 (Crown & Heart Chakras)
Weight: 457 grams (1 lb 0 oz). Size: 15 x 7.5 cm ( 6 x 3 inches)
This is a rare and really lovely small 18th century Lingam Singing Bowl. Its cup-like form has been wonderfully crafted and beautifully proportioned. The top half-inch of the outer rim has been sensitively polished smooth by the maker to contrast with the hammered surface below.
It has a sheered and faintly grooved lip, a lingam surrounded by circles at the centre, and a matching navel or yoni underneath. Unusually, there are decorative lines encircling the inner wall. There is also evidence of magical or ritual marks on the outer wall.
The fundamental note is a nice third octave Bb3 (237Hz) when struck with a padded mallet or played around the rim with a suede ringer. The rim note changes to a fifth octave F5 (682Hz) with a wooden ringer. It’s a responsive bowl and easy to play.
This small-to-medium antique Lingam bowl is structurally perfect, has the look and feel of great antiquity, and is one of my personal favourites.
A ringer is included in the price.