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Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale
Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale

Majestic 12 ½” Antique Jambati Temple Singing Bowl – Close Concert Pitch G2 (99Hz)


Antique Jambati Singing Bowl. Note G2 (Throat Chakra)

Weight 3.05 kilos (6lb 11 oz).   Size 31.5 x 16 cm (approx. 12 ½ x 6 ¼ inches)

Antique Jambati Singing Bowl. Note G2 (Throat Chakra)

Weight 3.05 kilos (6lb 11 oz).   Size 31.5 x 16 cm (approx. 12 ½ x 6 ¼ inches)


This massive antique Jambati Singing Bowl would grace any collection with its majestic presence and fabulous voice. Its beautiful full-bodied form has been superbly forged, with finely hammered walls (worn smooth over time) and triangulated lip. There are circles at its centre, now faint, and decorative bands encircling the outer rim. It is in excellent structural condition, clean and blemish free.



The fundamental note is an excellent low pulsating second octave G (99Hz) with a long sustain when struck with a padded mallet or played around the rim with a suede ringer. Sometimes the rim note is accompanied by a beautiful third octave G harmonic (200Hz). This bowl will also make fountains if played with a little water inside.



With a diameter of 12 ½ inches, and weighing over 3 kilos, this exceptionally large and heavy bowl is best placed on a mat or cushion for striking or playing. Its premium quality, coupled with a high state of preservation, strongly suggests that it was an important high status ceremonial or temple bowl.


A Tibetan silk brocade bowl cushion, a padded mallet and a ringer are all included in the price.


Listen: (2 struck notes and 1 played note ringer)


PS. This antique bowl is part of my original collection, and having visited Nepal 7 times in the last 18 months I cannot stress enough how hard it has become to source genuine antiques of this size and quality, with bowls over 11 inches (28cm) now almost impossible to find.

