Medium-Size Antique Lingam Singing Bowl – Super F4 (355Hz)
Antique Lingam Singing Bowl – F4 (355Hz) Heart Chakra
Weight 689 grams (1 lb 8¼ oz). Size x 3¼ inches (15.5 x 8 cm)
Antique Lingam Singing Bowl – F4 (355Hz) Heart Chakra
Weight 689 grams (1 lb 8¼ oz). Size x 3¼ inches (15.5 x 8 cm)
This is a very nice medium-size antique Lingam with a fabulous F4 (355Hz) fundamental when struck or played around the rim…the rim note being easy to play and exceptionally beautiful.
This bowl is in excellent structural condition, clean and free of stains and blemishes. The walls are smooth and even. There is a neat pointed lingam surrounded by circles at its centre, and a perfectly symmetrical naval underneath. It has a (faintly) grooved lip, and two decorative bands of tiny triangular cuts just below the outer rim, a common feature on 18th century Thadobati and Lingam bowls of similar shape.
Interestingly, there are several tiny inclusions buried beneath the surface of this bowl, possibly minute fragments of metal or pieces of grit that were picked up during the forging process, and a reminder of the conditions under which many of the bowls were made.
If you are thinking about buying your first antique Lingam this bowl should be high on the list of possibilities as it’s a very fine example in a more affordable size and price-range. I appreciate that it’s still a lot of money for some people, but antique Lingam bowls in nice condition are very rare and hard to come by at any price.
A Tibetan silk brocade bowl cushion and a ringer are included in the price.
Listen: (3 struck notes and 2 played notes, suede then wood ringers)