Medium-Small Antique Lingam Singing Bowl – F4 (344 Hz)
Antique Lingam Singing Bowl – F4 (Heart Chakra)
Weight 486g (1 lb 1 oz) 5 ½ x 3 inches (14 x 7.5 cm)
Antique Lingam Singing Bowl – F4 (Heart Chakra)
Weight 486g (1 lb 1 oz) 5 ½ x 3 inches (14 x 7.5 cm)
This is a lovely medium-small antique Lingam Singing Bowl with an interesting and unusual shape…a small slightly indented base, curved walls and a very pointed lingam!
The inside wall is smooth, while the outside has lots of surface interest including a smooth band below the rim and a slightly textured area below. A series of triangular cuts of a ritual nature encircle the bowl about an inch below the rim, and add considerable interest.
I believe this to be quite a special and desirable old bowl, possibly dating from the 18th century…the only issue being 2 small deliberate cuts across the lip that fortunately do not appear to effect the quality of the struck note, or the played note if a suede ringer is used. Apart from this the bowl is in superb and clean condition.
The fundamental note is a nice mid octave F (344 Hz). The note is the same whether struck with a padded mallet or played around the rim with a suede ringer.
A teak and suede ringer is included in the price.
Listen: (2 struck notes and 1 played note)