Naga Singing Bowl with Inscription
Antique Himalayan Naga Singing and Healing Bowl
Weight 1 lb 14 oz (851g). 16 x 11cm (approx. 6 ¼ x 4 ¼ inches)
This is a large good quality antique pedestal or Naga Singing Bowl with a long inscription and multiple harmonics. Its primary note is a wonderful mid octave E flat but several other harmonics are present and can be brought to the fore with a little experimentation and practice.
This is a solidly constructed bowl, with even walls and a regular lip. The smooth outer wall is nicely decorated with three pairs of engraved lines forming a collar just below the rim. The basin is nicely curved and balanced, the widest part of this bowl being around its middle. The colour is a slightly silvery gold.
A particularly interesting feature is the long punched-dot inscription on the bowl’s outer wall, just below the engraved collar. It’s significance is unknown…it may commemorate an event, be a dedication, or perhaps the name of the bowl’s owner. Whatever the meaning or purpose, this Naga bowl has been valued and well cared for throughout its life, and is in good condition for its age.