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Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale
Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale

Rare 14 ¼” Monastery/Temple Jambati-Lingam Singing Bowl – “Cut Your Ties” Inscription


Antique Lingam Singing Bowl. Notes: Eb3/E3 (Solar Plexus Chakra)

Weight 6.15 kilos (13 lb 9 oz).  Size 36 x 15.5 cm (14 ¼  x 6 inches)

This incredible antique Lingam Singing Bowl was sourced in the Indian Himalayas bordering Nepal and is believed to date from the 18th century.  It is the rarest and most expensive antique singing bowl in my entire collection.

With an extraordinary diameter of 14 ¼ inches and weighing 6.15 kilos it is the second largest and heaviest antique Lingam I have encountered in over 40 years of collecting rare bowls, and quite possibly the second largest of its type in existence (see footnote).  It is physically virtually identical to the slightly larger one, now sold, and carries a similar inscription.  They were acquired from the same source almost a year apart.  The note is different, and they are almost certainly ceremonial partners from the same foundry.

The fundamental note is a wonderful third octave Eb3/E3 cusp (159 – 160 Hz) when struck with a padded mallet or played around the rim with a heavy suede ringer.  This bowl was probably made to be struck, singly and/or repetitively, and it is the fabulous purity, volume, and enduring sustain of the pulsating struck note that sets it apart from other bowls. This bowl has a fabulous long sustain.

This massive superior quality bowl is so heavy it would have cost a fortune in its day and was probably commissioned by or for a monastery or temple, where it would have served some important ceremonial purpose.

It carries a boldly incised inscription between the decorative bands on the outer wall below the rim; a sure sign of the high esteem in which it was held by a former keeper.  The inscription is in an ancient form of Farsi  and reads “Bebor ze alam belu gaman” which loosly translates as “Cut your ties to this world without a second thought”.  Persia historically had a tremendous influence on South Asia including India.

When viewed from the side one could easily mistake this bowl for an exceptionally large antique Jambati.  It has a beautiful and gracefully curved finely hammered wall and a flat bottom.  It has a wide triangulated and grooved lip and two incised decorative bands encircling the outer rim.   Inside, at its centre, there is a fabulous large lingam surrounded by two circles, and underneath a deep and partially filled navel or yoni (in some Himalayan cultures the filling-in of the navel or yoni underneath serves a ritual safe-keeping or protective purpose; to ensure that a pregnancy reaches full term for example).

This massive Lingam bowl is in excellent structural condition, and free of stains and blemishes.  It has a lovely red/green surface patina that has gradually built up over the centuries.  My personal preference would be to keep it as it is with the look and feel of great antiquity.  However, it could very easily be cleaned and restored to virtually its original condition if desired.

This fabulous Lingam bowl is undoubtedly one of the most desirable and collectable antique bowls in the world today, and its next lucky guardian can rest assured they have something utterly unique and really special.    Its high price is a reflection of what I had to pay to acquire it, and takes into account its age, quality, voice, size, condition and rarity today.

A wonderful antique treasure with an unspeakably beautiful voice!

A large Tibetan silk brocade bowl cushion, a padded striker, and two different ringers are included in the price.

NOTE: Antique Lingam Singing Bowls are sacred ritual and musical vessels and the rarest and most sought-after of all Himalayan bowls.  They typically have diameters of between 5 and 7 inches (23 to 28 cm).  Very occasionally one of 9 or even 10 inches will come to light, but anything larger is virtually unheard of!  This fabulous museum quality specimen has an astonishing diameter of 14 ¼  inches!

Pay in 3 Option:  If required, you can pay for this fabulous rare bowl in 3 equal installments, interest free, over 3 months (possibly longer).  Your bowl will be RESERVED with the first payment, marked ’SOLD’ on the website with the second, and SHIPPED out for delivery with the final payment.  Please use the contact form to let me know if you wish to pay by installments and I will send you 3 payment invoices.