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Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale
Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale

Rare 17th-18th Century Lingam Singing Bowl – E4 (326Hz)


Antique Lingam Singing Bowl – E4 & Bb5 (Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras)
Weight 764g (1 lb 11 oz)  7 ½ x 2 ¾ inches (19 x 7 cm)

Antique Lingam Singing Bowl – E4 & Bb5 (Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras)
Weight 764g (1 lb 11 oz)  7 ½ x 2 ¾ inches (19 x 7 cm)


This is a medium-size rare and collectable low profile 17th – 18th century antique Lingam singing bowl with a good mid octave E fundamental (326Hz).  The note is the same whether struck with a padded mallet or played around the rim with a suede ringer.  The rim note changes to a fifth octave Bb if a wooden ringer is used.  It’s a responsive and easy bowl to play.


The top of the wall is very slightly splayed.  It has a thick triangulated inward-facing lip, and a large central pointed lingam with a deep navel on the underside.


This ancient bowl has seen a lot of use in its lifetime and its decorative features (a circle around the lingam, a single incised line below the rim) have all but disappeared with the passage of time.


This bowl has a deep antique golden bronze colour with the patina, look, and feel of age.  A double-ended teak and suede ringer is included in the price.



Listen: (2 struck notes and 2 played notes – suede then wooden ringers)