Rare 18th Century Fine-Wall Lingam Singing Bowl – Perfect Pitch F3 & Incredible Bb4
Antique Lingam Singing Bowl. Notes F3 & Bb4 (Heart & Crown Chakras)
Weight: 722 grams (1 lb 10 oz). Size: 16.5 x 9 cm ( 6 ½ x 3 ½ inches)
This rare high-side Lingam Singing Bowl has a very unusual shape and is believed to date from the 18th Century.
It has two near perfect pitch voices…a third octave F3 (175Hz) fundamental when struck with a padded mallet or played around the rim with a suede ringer, and a very powerful and penetrating middle octave Bb4 (477Hz) harmonic when played with a wooden ringer. If desired the F3 will readily develop into the Bb4 after first singing together, with the suede ringer.
This rare Lingam Singing Bowls has a fine high-sided and gently curved wall, a sheered lip, and a rim surrounded by multiple decorative circles that form a collar. Two sets of circles surround the lingam at its centre, and there is a navel or yoni underneath. A series or magical or ritual gashes can just be made out on the outer wall, worn down through handling and washing over the centuries. It is in excellent structural condition, clean and stain-free, with a nice aged patina.
An interesting and rather special Lingam bowl!
A ringer is included in the price.
Note: Audio clips coming soon.