Stunning Superior Quality Rare 9” Golden Antique Lingam Singing Bowl – F#3 & C#5
Antique Lingam Singing Bowl. Notes: F#3 & C#5 (Heart & Root Chakras)
Weight: 1.59 kilos (3 lb 8 oz). Size: 23 x 11 cm (9 x 4 ¼ inches)
This is a rare and exquisite example of a superior quality antique golden Lingam Singing Bowl. It is beautifully proportioned and has smooth gracefully curved walls and a plain sheered lip. There is a pointed Lingam at its centre with a deep matching yoni or navel underneath. There are no decorative features but it has a fantastic presence and an honest simplicity of form.
In some Himalayan cultures lingam bowls are presented as fertility gifts or tokens on the occasion of a marriage. Later, when the bride becomes pregnant, the bowl’s navel or yoni is temporarily sealed to symbolically and magically ensure the pregnancy goes full term. Although this bowls navel is now empty there is clear evidence that it was previously filled in, suggesting that it has served a safe-keeping purpose during its lifetime; probably associated with pregnancy or perhaps some other important occasion.
This beautiful antique singing bowl has a lovely third octave F#3 fundamental (183Hz) that is close to perfect pitch when struck with a padded mallet or played around the rim with a suede ringer. The rim note changes to a perfect pitch fifth octave C#5 (523Hz) harmonic when played with a wooden ringer.
It is structurally sound, clean and stain-free, and has a particularly lovely bright golden bronze colour inside and out.
A Tibetan silk brocade bowl cushion, a striker, and a ringer are all included in the price.
Footnote: This is only the third time I have come across this type of superior golden lingam in 40 years of collecting. I believe they all originate from the same family forge, in India or Nepal, before finding their way to a Himalayan antiques dealer. I acquired several similar golden bowls with this one, some of which may still be available on this website.