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Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale
Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale

Superb Large Antique Lingam Bowl – G4 (402Hz)


Antique Lingam Singing Bowl.   G4 (Throat Chakra)

Weight 2 lb 10½ oz. (1.21 kilos).   Size 19.5 x 9 cm (7¾ x 3½ inches)

Antique Lingam Singing Bowl.   G4 (Throat Chakra)

Weight 2 lb 10½ oz. (1.21 kilos).   Size 19.5 x 9 cm (7¾ x 3½ inches)


This is an exceptionally fine example of an antique Lingam Singing Bowl (circa 1800) in an excellent state of preservation.  It is a very well forged and nicely proportioned bowl with a thick, almost straight, wall that gently rises from a large flat bottom.  It has a particularly nice grooved, triangulated, and inward-facing lip.  There is an excellent and unusual flat-topped lingam surrounded by boldly incised concentric circles, and a tiny navel on the underside.  Some decorative incised bands encircle the bowl below the rim and also low down on the outer wall.


The flat top to the lingam is interesting as its smooth and shiny surface suggests that it may have been regularly beaten or struck, perhaps as part of a ritual or ceremonial occasion.  I tested this theory myself by gently tapping it with the wooden end of a ringer, and it certainly makes an interesting sound…especially when combined with a strike to the side of the bowl.


The fundamental note is a very nice middle octave G with a frequency of 402-404Hz.  It’s a responsive bowl and the note is the same whether struck or played.


This superb Lingam bowl is structurally sound and has considerable presence.  It has a nice bronze colour and the look and feel of antiquity.  A ringer is included in the price.


Note: Audio clips coming soon.


