Superior Rare Large 10 ½” Antique Jambati-Lingam Singing Bowl – Perfect Pitch F3
Antique Lingam Singing Bowl. Notes: F3 & C5 (Heart & Root Chakras)
Weight 1.67 kilos (3 lb 10 oz). Size 26.5 x 11.5 cm (10 ½ x 4 ½ inches)
Antique Lingam Singing Bowl. Notes: F3 & C5 (Heart & Root Chakras)
Weight 1.67 kilos (3 lb 10 oz). Size 26.5 x 11.5 cm (10 ½ x 4 ½ inches)
This wonderful superior quality antique Lingam Singing Bowl is one of the largest antique Lingams I have encountered in over 35 years of collecting rare bowls, and one of very few Jambati-Lingams.
With a diameter of 10 ½ inches and weighing just over 3 pounds it is light for its size, making it possible to hold and play for an extended period rather than have it resting on a mat or cushion. Its enormous size, age, superior quality, unique form, and fabulous voice all combine to make it one of the most desirable and collectable of antique singing bowls, and its next lucky guardian can rest assured they have one of the rarest and finest bowls in the world.
The fundamental note is a beautiful perfect pitch third octave F3 (175Hz) when struck with a padded mallet or played around the rim with a suede ringer. The rim note changes to a fifth octave C5 (522Hz) with a wooden ringer.
When viewed from the side one could easily mistake this bowl for a large full-bodied Jambati. It has the gracefully curved hammered wall of a Jambati, a triangulated lip and decorative bands encircling the outer. But inside, at its centre, there is a magnificent huge raised and pointed lingam surrounded by decorative circles. And underneath is a matching large and deep navel or yoni.
This would have been a very difficult bowl to craft with its extra fine walls, and its size and superior quality suggest that it might have been a ceremonial bowl commissioned for a temple or monastery.
This amazing Lingam bowl was sourced in the Indian Himalayas bordering Nepal and is believed to date from the 1800s, possibly earlier. It is in excellent structural condition, free of stains and blemishes, and has a fabulous antique bronze colour and aged patina. The closely hammered and mottled leapard-spot external surface of this bowl is a particularly attractive feature.
Undoubtedly one of the rarest and finest antique singing bowls in the world today!
A beautiful Tibetan silk brocade bowl cushion, a padded striker, and two different ringers are included in the price.
Listen: (3 struck notes and 2 played notes, suede ringer then wood).
Antique Lingam Singing Bowls are sacred musical vessels and the rarest and most sought-after of all Himalayan bowls. They typically have diameters of between 5 and 7 inches (23 to 28 cm). Very occasionally one of 9 or even 10 inches will come to light, but anying over is virtually unheard of!