Unique Antique Pedestal Offering & Singing Bowl – Inscription – Very Rare Find
Rare Antique Offering & Singing Bowl. Notes: B3 & F4 (Crown & Heart Chakras)
Weight 5 lb 1 ¼ oz. (2.30 kilos). Size 26 x 11.5 cm (10 ¼ x 4 ½ inches)
Rare Antique Offering & Singing Bowl. Notes: B3 & F4 (Crown & Heart Chakras)
Weight 5 lb 1 ¼ oz. (2.30 kilos). Size 26 x 11.5 cm (10 ¼ x 4 ½ inches)
This fabulous rare antique bronze bowl is the first of its kind I have come across in 30 years of collecting. This is no ordinary bowl. It has a unique shape, is thick and heavy, beautifully constructed, and it stands on its own plinth or pedestal; a circular ring built into the bottom that lifts the bowl above the surface it sits on. There are decorative concentric circles at its centre, and around the inner wall just below the lip, and a single line encircles the bowl’s inner mid-point. There are also incised bands at intervals encircling the outer wall.
I believe that its primary use was as an offering bowl placed on a temple shrine or altar, but it also sings very well when held by the pedestal so it might equally have been a singing bowl. The fundamental note is a nice third octave B (252Hz) when struck with a padded mallet or played with a suede ringer. The rim note changes to a fifth octave F (685Hz) with a wooden ringer.
This fabulous and unique bowl is in excellent structural condition, and has an attractive coppery colour with some light staining or oxidization inside. It looks and feels very special.
A padded strikers and a ringer are included in the price.
Listen: (4 struck notes and 2 played notes)