Unusual Small Flange-Lipped Antique Singing Bowl – G5 (764Hz)
Unusual Antique Singing Bowl. G5 Note (Throat Chakra)
Weight 0 lb 12¼ oz (362 grams). Size 4¼ x 2¼ inches (11 x 6 cm)
Unusual Antique Singing Bowl. G5 Note (Throat Chakra)
Weight 0 lb 12¼ oz (362 grams). Size 4¼ x 2¼ inches (11 x 6 cm)
This unusual little bowl has a very attractive shape and is particularly pleasing to hold and play. Its flat bottom prevents it from rotating when played on the flat of the hand, and its unusual flanged lip readily responds to the ringer to produce a very sweet fifth octave G note. The note is the same whether the bowl is struck or played around the rim.
There are some well-defined concentric circles in the centre of the bowl. There were once some decorative lines around the middle of the outer wall, but these have all but disappeared with the passage of time. However, this bowl is in good structural condition, and has a nice antique bronze colour. A ringer is included in the price.
Listen: (3 struck notes and 1 played note)