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Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale
Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale

Very Rare 18th Century Lingam Singing Bowl – Cusp B3/C4 – Unique Shape


Antique Lingam Singing Bowl.  Notes B3/C4 & G5 (Crown/Root & Throat Chakras)

Weight: 869 grams (1 lb 15 oz).  Size: 20 x 7 cm (8 x 2 ¾ inches)

This medium-size antique Lingam Singing Bowl is one of a kind with its low profile and plain inward and downward-sloping triangulated lip.  The top of its shallow wall curves inwards towards the rim before falling away to form a rounded bottom with a deep navel or yoni in the middle.  

The lingam at its centre has a partially broken surface which probably occurred during its manufacture, but is otherwise fine.  It was once surrounded by 2 decorative circles, but both have long since been worn away from long use and/or ritual cleaning and are now barely visible.  This bowl is believed to date from the 18th century.  Its walls are so smooth it’s hard to believe they were originally hammered into shape.

This ancient bowl has a fabulous voice.  The fundamental note is a third octave B3 (253Hz) that flickers to a forth octave C4 (254Hz) when struck with a padded mallet or played around the rim with a suede ringer.  The rim note changes to a fifth octave G5 (778Hz) when played with a wooden ringer.   It is very responsive and easy to play.

A unique feature is the series of ritual or magical gashes encircling the bowls inner rim just below the lip.  I have encountered these ritual gashes many times on older bowls but always on the outer wall, never the inner!  I believe this unique bowl probably served a special shamanic service…perhaps in the preparation of herbal medicines.

A unique treasure with a wonderful voice!

A teak and suede ringer is included free of charge.

Note: Audio clips coming soon.
