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Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale
Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale

Site Map & Quick Links

Site Map

List of Contents & Quick Links


Use this Site Map to quickly navigate to the areas of interest by clicking on the links below


Beginners Guide

A Basic Guide to Buying, Playing & Collecting Singing Bowls


Home Page

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Singing Bowl Types

The Singing Bowl Types












Singing Bowl Notes & Chakras

Root (1st) C Note

Sacral (2nd) D Note

Solar Plexus (3rd) E Note

Heart (4th) F Note

Throat (5th) G Note

Third Eye (6th) A Note

Crown (7th) B Note


Singing Bowl Sizes & Attributes

Small Singing Bowls

Medium Singing Bowls

Large Singing Bowls

Talking Singing Bowls

Fountain Singing Bowls

Concert Pitch Singing Bowls

Inscribed Bowls


Singing Bowl Prices

£150-£500 ($180-$600)

£500-£1,000 ($600-$1,200)

£1,00-£3,000 ($1,200-$3,600)

Over £3,000 ($3,600)



Orders & Shipping Info

Fred & Maureen Wilkinson

The Singing Bowl Collection

About Antique Singing Bowls

The Singing Bowl Types

Singing Bowl Provenance

About Premium Quality Bowls

About Inscribed Bowls

About 7-Metal Bowls

Singing Bowl Sets

About the Bowl Search Service

About the Website Features

About the Audio Clips

The Ethnic Art Collection


How To
How to Choose a Singing Bowl

How to Play Singing Bowls

How to Collect Singing Bowls

How to Tell Old Bowls from New

How to Spot a Fake or Repro Bowl

How to Select Bowls in Person

How to Care for Singing Bowls


Ethnic Art & Crafts

Antique Tibetan Phurbas

Antique Himalayan Masks

Antique Indian Textiles

Indonesian Textiles

Indonesian Ancestor Figures

Ethnic Art & Craft

Balinese Wood Carvings

Balinese Mask Collection

Ethnic Art Archive 



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Site Map & Quick Links

Beginners Guide to Buying Singing Bowls

Fred and Maureen’s own Fine Art, Poetry & Photography website