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Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale
Antique Singing & Healing Bowls
A Unique Collection of Rare and Beautiful Sacred and Ceremonial Himalayan Singing Bowls for Sale

Website Features


Every antique singing bowl listed on this website is accompanied by an abundance of useful information that will help you choose the right bowl.


Factual information about each bowl is supported by multi-view photographs and audio clips, together with a detailed description and appraisal by antique singing bowl collector and expert Fred Wilkinson.


Each bowl takes between 2 and 3 hours to weigh, measure, photograph, record audio, test for talking and fountain ability, evaluate, write a description and appraisal, and finally upload to the website…which is probably why the following comprehensive list of website features is unique to



Information and Appraisal
All bowl listings include the following


BOWL TYPE OR FORM – Thadobati, Jambati, Mani, Manipuri, Naga/Pedestal, Lingam, Ultabati, Remuna, Unusual and Exceptional.


MULTI-VIEW PHOTOS – professional quality images that include an inside, profile, and three-quarter view (and often more) of each bowl.  Each set of 4 or 5 photos takes an hour or more to capture and process…which is why you don’t see images of this quality on other websites.


AUDIO SAMPLES – unique recordings of the sound of each bowl when struck AND played with different ringers.  More information about our audio clips can be found under the ABOUT tab on the toolbar.


BOWL DIMENSIONS – width and height given in inches and centimeters (cm).


BOWL WEIGHT – given in Kilos and Grams (kg) and Pounds and Ounces (lb).


BOWL SOUND – accurately measured and assigned Fundamental and Rim notes (e.g. a second octave B flat fundamental when struck with a padded mallet, and third octave F when played around the rim with a suede ringer).  Recent listings now also include a bowl’s frequency in Hz.  More information about how notes are identified and assigned can be found in ‘Audio Clips’ under the ABOUT tab on the toolbar.


BOWL CHAKRAS – the names of the Chakras associated with a singing bowl’s fundamental and rim notes.


BOWL PRICE – in UK pounds, but also readily available in Euros and US$ Dollars (a currency changer is at the top of every page).


OBJECTIVE APPRAISAL – a detailed factual description of a bowl’s physical characteristics and condition…inscriptions, decorative detail, thickness, colour, wear and tear, stains and blemishes, etc.


COMMENTS – on the quality of sound and a bowl’s sonic characteristics when struck or played around the rim…ease of play, purity of sound, concert pitch, multiple harmonics, length of sustain etc.


SUBJECTIVE OPINION – about the ‘feel’ of a bowl…what it is like to hold and play, its vibrational energy, possible provenance and, where possible, an estimate of its age, antiquity and rarity.


Search Options


Click on the BOWLS tab in the toolbar to see all the viewing options.

Search By…


1).  BOWL TYPE – Thadobati, Jambati, Mani, Manipuri, Naga/Pedestal, Lingam, Ultabati, Remuna, Unusual and Exceptional bowls (all available by clicking on a bowl’s picture on the homepage, or via the drop-down menu below the BOWLS tab).


2).  NOTE– C D E F G A B (including flats and sharps).  Find under the BOWLS tab on the toolbar.


3). CONCERT PITCH BOWLS (new feature).  Find under the BOWLS tab on the toolbar.


4).  CHAKRA – Root (1st), Sacral (2nd), Solar Plexus (3rd), Heart (4th), Throat (5th), Third Eye (6th) and Crown (7th).  Find under the BOWLS tab on the toolbar.


5).  SIZE – Small, Medium, Large.  Find under the BOWLS tab on the toolbar.


6).  ATTRIBUTE – Talking Bowls, Fountain Bowls, Concert Pitch Bowls, and Inscribed Bowls.  Find under the BOWLS tab on the toolbar.


7).  PRICE – under £150 ($240), £150 – £250 ($240 – $400), £250 – £500 ($400 – $800), £500 – £1,000 ($800 – $1,600), Over £1,000 ($1,600).  Find under the BOWLS tab on the toolbar.


8).  RECENT LISTING – Find via the Recent Listings tab on the Toolbar  link and also under the BOWLS tab.


9).  VIEW ALL – every singing bowl currently for sale on the website.  Find under the BOWLS tab on the toolbar.


10).  SOLD ARCHIVE – a selection of sold bowls for comparison, and a temporary home for recent sales so that customers can view their purchases and access images and descriptions.  Find under the BOWLS tab on the toolbar.


11). SITE MAP – a complete list of all the website content and QUICK LINKS to navigate to areas of interest.



Bowl Types


There is a brief description of each bowl type at the top of the category page – just click on any bowl category.


About & How To


There’s lots more useful information about singing bowls under the ABOUT and HOW TO tabs in the main toolbar.



Click here to view some unsolicited TESTIMONIALS from customers in Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia and around the world.